六千金 six sisters cafe
Six Sisters Café is located in Zhongxing New Village, Nantou. It is a city with unique historical style, quiet and beauty garden city.
The community was planned with people oriented. The architecture is modern Baroque multi-pane design.
The intention of people living far from home guard and return to their homeland. The return of Six Sisters has the power to condense emotions.
They work together to rebuild the beautiful memories of travelers and people living far from home towards the Zhongxing New Village.
數字6點明與品牌的關聯性,編織手法與窗格意象,串連品牌意象,結合數字六、林蔭大道、多窗格建築的畫面, 英式復古風格結合在地眷村氣息,復古標章表現美好故事的縮影,用現代語彙演繹新舊交融品牌形象。 在視覺上,傳統工藝與現代風格新舊交融,在情感上,也表現眷村濃濃人情具包容性等特質。 招牌應用結合藤編素材,融入器皿、杯瓶容器、產品說明牌…等,體現品牌的細膩度與完整性。
- Interior Design | 木介空間設計
- Photography | 無著色工作室
- Design Studio | 無介設計整合制作所
- Creative Director | Oli Syu
- Designer | Oli Syu
- Date | 2019
- Client | 六千金 six sisters cafe
- Illustration | Becky Yueh